BUYING OR LEASING copiers from different stores including those in Detroit need careful deliberation, especially if it is for office or business purposes where more than just one person depends on it.
Home office
Copiers for home space normally fit the desktop to save space. Although small copiers are usually cheap, starting from around $50, it is recommended that you invest in more expensive ones ($300 to $700) which are more apt for the needs of small businesses.
10-employee office
Normally table-top sized or freestanding, office-type copiers are made for more rigorous copy production, printing, scanning, and faxing. These copiers are usually networked for more efficiency. Purchasing prices ranges from around $1200 to $5000.
Small to mid-sized businesses
As the root word of “business” means, it is expected that people involved in businesses have more tasks at hand and demand more from the tools they have in the office. Multi-functional printers with higher specs and capabilities, including the ability to efficiently and quickly perform copying duties, are needed. Aside from completing tasks in the fastest way possible, it is also recommended to get a copier with mobile printing commands that allows employees to use the machine without having to be there.
Production printers are ideal for production printing businesses that require “high-volume printing, professional-grade graphics and advanced document-finishing options”. Production printers vary in specs and prices depending on the need of the business. It is said that prices generally start at $7000 to around $25000 for highly specialized models.
30+ employee office
With a big business or office, “advanced features like automatic duplexing, security authentication and colour correction could come in handy, too”. Copiers and printers for big offices will require fast and easy managing of documents. For instance, a copier with a touch screen will make it easier to sort out documents of great volumes.